Meditation (Muraqabah) of colored lights

Everything that exists in this world is dominated by one or more colors. Nothing is of no color. Chemistry reveals that any element goes through changes, it emits specific colors. This order of the colors is the basic characteristic of any element. That is why in every element the order of color is different. The same rule applies to humans as well. A well-organized system of colors and waves works in humans. The balance of those colors and waves controls the overall health of the individual. Changing of color affects the mood of the individual as well.
Colors also play an important role in the fields of emotions and feelings. It is our daily observation that when someone hears bad or tragic news, he or she gets pale. Fear also changes the color while during anger, eyes and face becomes red.
When color of room is red, it creates a feeling of burden or heaviness but if the same room is colored blue then peace and serenity is felt. Greenery and colorful flowers help us get rid of mental and physical fatigue. However, when the same trees become leafless during autumn our feelings change as well.
The theory of colors and lights states that those specific amounts of colors are prevalent not only in the physical body of humans but also in any specific color increased or decreased or their ratio is changed, it leads to a change of feelings and emotions in an individual.
In the spiritual sciences, the color code is intentionally changed in student so that his or her mind could come close to the sub consciousness. Continued practice of muraqbah also helps in improving coloration in the senses. It is imperative that changes in the colors be done solely to improve or to awaken any specific skill. When supplementing colors and lights are not used to improve any specific sense, then normal senses are affected by it. A spiritual master always keeps his eyes on the progress of his student. When needed he can adjust the ratio of colors using his spiritual discretion (tasarraf) so that the consciousness remains functional with those changes in colors and light.
On the other hand, when these changes occur in an individual abnormally then the body malfunctions and usually manifests in physical or psychological disorders. These disorders are usually labeled as general diseases or ailments like hypertension, anemia, asthma, cancer arthritis, nervous and sensory or emotional disorders.
According to the spiritual sciences, only an expert spiritual master decides what color of light needs changing. In these decisions the personality type, mental strength, way of thinking, physical form and other factors are taken into consideration.
Using muraqbah, the following are the different methods of absorbing lights of any particular color in an individual.
METHOD-1: sit in a comfortable position and imagine the waves of color of light and being absorbed by the whole body.
METHOD-2: during the muraqbah imagine that from the sky the waves of color and light are falling and are being absorbed into your brain.
METHOD-3: during the muraqbah imagine the entire surrounding environment lit with the same light.
METHOD-4: imagine that you are immersed in the river of that light.
Medically and physiologically, each color of light has its own attributes. When the muraqbah of a certain color of light is performed, it cause chemical changes in the brain, which enables it to absorb as much as possible the light of that color. Since medical and psychological disorders are not the subject matter of this book we are not going to discuss this matter in detail. However, we will present muraqabas of color and light for such psychological disorders that occur because of mental confusion and paranoia.
NOTE: The decision, of what color of light muraqbah is to be given must be made by no other than a spiritual master.
BLUE LIGHTS: Blue lights are instrumental in getting rid of mental disorders, neck and back pain, vertebra malfunctions, depression, inferiority complex, and weak will power. The correct way to do the muraqbah is as follows:
Imagine that you are sitting beneath the sky and the blue light is falling from the sky into your head and after passing through your entire body is going to the earth through the feet.
Ms. R. Sultana from Pakistan wrote:
For the last three years, I had depression. I used to get hopelessness all the time without any obvious reason. I was aware of happiness but my life was void of it.
The muraqbah (meditation) of blue light has turned my world upside down. Within six weeks of continuing muraqbah I am feeling happy after a long time. Obviously, the blue lights have turned away the waves of sadness from me.
YELLOW LIGHT: Muraqbah of the yellow light is effective is curing digestive disorders such as gas, intestinal pain, dysentery, constipation, pyria, stomach ulcers, and similar symptoms.
Ms. S. Choudry from Multan Pakistan wrote:
“I had stomach ulcer for over two years, you told me to do Muraqbah of yellow-light, which I did. I was imagining that I was sitting beneath the sky and the lights of yellow color were falling into my head and were finally being stored in the stomach and the ulcer was being removed by it. For two weeks, I sensed that those lights are gradually reducing the ulcer. On the third week while doing muraqbah, a thought crossed my mind that the ulcer had been removed and now only the bright yellow lights were in my stomach. It has been a month since but I still get those feelings during muraqbah. I m no longer taking medicine for the ulcer and doing only the yellow-light muraqbah. I do not know how to thank you. You have given me a new life.”
ORANGE LIGHT: Its best recommended for chest ailments such as chronic cough, asthma, ulceration of the lungs, and tuberculosis.
A female patient had chronic ulceration of the lungs. The disease had reached a point where she was vomiting blood. She was told to do muraqbah of orange lights with massage of orange-light oil. Within two months the frequency of the blood vomiting dropped. After six months of the treatment, she was completely cured.
GREEN LIGHT: Muraqbah of green light is given to treat hypertension, skin disorders such as itching, eczema, discoloration of skin, gonorrhea, and syphilis.
N.S. wrote:
“ I had itching all over my body. For three years, I got treatment at various places. However, often the itching turned into a wound and the pain was agonizing. Nevertheless after doing muraqbah of green-light for six months I was fully cured by it.”
N.H. from Mianwali Pakistan wrote:
“I had sever high blood pressure for a while. Sometimes it gets so bad that even performing daily routines would become a challenge. My small children were affected by the condition as well. By doing muraqbah of green-light every morning and before going into bed and having a green light bulb in my bed room at night, my blood pressure came to normal within twenty day.”
RED LIGHT: The Muraqbah of red-lights is given to treat low blood pressure, depression, anemia, arthritis, low energy, cowardice, nervous break down, hopelessness, fear of death etc.
Mr. Sibghatullah wrote:
“ My mind always had thoughts of hopelessness. There were no obvious reasons for it. For some reason, I was always thinking negatively. With red-light Muraqbah my thinking has now changed to positive.”
VOILET LIGHT: It’s given to treat male sexual dysfunction such as impotence, loss of libido and female uterine disorders.
A gentleman from DIG khan, Pakistan wrote:
“Because of erectile dysfunction I was not fit to marry anyone. Consequently, I had an inferiority complex. Muraqbah of purple lights and the massage of purple-light oil have pretty much this weakness for me.”
A woman from Chichawatni, Pakistan wrote:
“I have been married for five years but was childless. Doctors had told me that my uterus was swollen. I went through different treatments but with no results. Finally the muraqbah of violet light and the massage with its oil has removed the uterine swelling and I am now pregnant.”
PINK LIGHT: Hysteria, mental seizures, weak memory, paranoia, insecurity, negative thoughts about life, isolation, are treated with Muraqbah of Pink color Lights.
Ms. S, from Pakistan wrote:
“Constant fear and Paranoia had filled me with cowardice and an inferiority complex. Life after marriage was such a challenge for me, I was so mortified by my husband and in-laws that even when every thing was right I was afraid of something. With this, I also had the fear of God, Every act felt like a sin and I was always repenting with fear of His wrath. All this pressure made me weak and I always felt fatigued. My husband told me to do a Muraqbah of pink light. After doing it for two months, now I am confident that I will be cured.”
Mr. Salman Ansari, wrote:
“ I used to get seizures all the time. I went through some tough times. Often it happened while I was at the market. Because of falls, I was injured several times as well. On one occasion, it happened during a shower. After about an hour people took notice of that. Thereafter someone was with me all the time. God bless Mr. Azeemi who prescribed for me the Muraqbah of pink light. I have total confidence now that God willing I will be cured by it.”
Colors also play an important role in the fields of emotions and feelings. It is our daily observation that when someone hears bad or tragic news, he or she gets pale. Fear also changes the color while during anger, eyes and face becomes red.
When color of room is red, it creates a feeling of burden or heaviness but if the same room is colored blue then peace and serenity is felt. Greenery and colorful flowers help us get rid of mental and physical fatigue. However, when the same trees become leafless during autumn our feelings change as well.
The theory of colors and lights states that those specific amounts of colors are prevalent not only in the physical body of humans but also in any specific color increased or decreased or their ratio is changed, it leads to a change of feelings and emotions in an individual.
In the spiritual sciences, the color code is intentionally changed in student so that his or her mind could come close to the sub consciousness. Continued practice of muraqbah also helps in improving coloration in the senses. It is imperative that changes in the colors be done solely to improve or to awaken any specific skill. When supplementing colors and lights are not used to improve any specific sense, then normal senses are affected by it. A spiritual master always keeps his eyes on the progress of his student. When needed he can adjust the ratio of colors using his spiritual discretion (tasarraf) so that the consciousness remains functional with those changes in colors and light.

According to the spiritual sciences, only an expert spiritual master decides what color of light needs changing. In these decisions the personality type, mental strength, way of thinking, physical form and other factors are taken into consideration.
Using muraqbah, the following are the different methods of absorbing lights of any particular color in an individual.
METHOD-1: sit in a comfortable position and imagine the waves of color of light and being absorbed by the whole body.
METHOD-2: during the muraqbah imagine that from the sky the waves of color and light are falling and are being absorbed into your brain.
METHOD-3: during the muraqbah imagine the entire surrounding environment lit with the same light.
METHOD-4: imagine that you are immersed in the river of that light.
Medically and physiologically, each color of light has its own attributes. When the muraqbah of a certain color of light is performed, it cause chemical changes in the brain, which enables it to absorb as much as possible the light of that color. Since medical and psychological disorders are not the subject matter of this book we are not going to discuss this matter in detail. However, we will present muraqabas of color and light for such psychological disorders that occur because of mental confusion and paranoia.
NOTE: The decision, of what color of light muraqbah is to be given must be made by no other than a spiritual master.
BLUE LIGHTS: Blue lights are instrumental in getting rid of mental disorders, neck and back pain, vertebra malfunctions, depression, inferiority complex, and weak will power. The correct way to do the muraqbah is as follows:
Imagine that you are sitting beneath the sky and the blue light is falling from the sky into your head and after passing through your entire body is going to the earth through the feet.
Ms. R. Sultana from Pakistan wrote:
For the last three years, I had depression. I used to get hopelessness all the time without any obvious reason. I was aware of happiness but my life was void of it.
The muraqbah (meditation) of blue light has turned my world upside down. Within six weeks of continuing muraqbah I am feeling happy after a long time. Obviously, the blue lights have turned away the waves of sadness from me.
YELLOW LIGHT: Muraqbah of the yellow light is effective is curing digestive disorders such as gas, intestinal pain, dysentery, constipation, pyria, stomach ulcers, and similar symptoms.
Ms. S. Choudry from Multan Pakistan wrote:
“I had stomach ulcer for over two years, you told me to do Muraqbah of yellow-light, which I did. I was imagining that I was sitting beneath the sky and the lights of yellow color were falling into my head and were finally being stored in the stomach and the ulcer was being removed by it. For two weeks, I sensed that those lights are gradually reducing the ulcer. On the third week while doing muraqbah, a thought crossed my mind that the ulcer had been removed and now only the bright yellow lights were in my stomach. It has been a month since but I still get those feelings during muraqbah. I m no longer taking medicine for the ulcer and doing only the yellow-light muraqbah. I do not know how to thank you. You have given me a new life.”
ORANGE LIGHT: Its best recommended for chest ailments such as chronic cough, asthma, ulceration of the lungs, and tuberculosis.
A female patient had chronic ulceration of the lungs. The disease had reached a point where she was vomiting blood. She was told to do muraqbah of orange lights with massage of orange-light oil. Within two months the frequency of the blood vomiting dropped. After six months of the treatment, she was completely cured.
GREEN LIGHT: Muraqbah of green light is given to treat hypertension, skin disorders such as itching, eczema, discoloration of skin, gonorrhea, and syphilis.
N.S. wrote:
“ I had itching all over my body. For three years, I got treatment at various places. However, often the itching turned into a wound and the pain was agonizing. Nevertheless after doing muraqbah of green-light for six months I was fully cured by it.”
N.H. from Mianwali Pakistan wrote:
“I had sever high blood pressure for a while. Sometimes it gets so bad that even performing daily routines would become a challenge. My small children were affected by the condition as well. By doing muraqbah of green-light every morning and before going into bed and having a green light bulb in my bed room at night, my blood pressure came to normal within twenty day.”
RED LIGHT: The Muraqbah of red-lights is given to treat low blood pressure, depression, anemia, arthritis, low energy, cowardice, nervous break down, hopelessness, fear of death etc.
Mr. Sibghatullah wrote:
“ My mind always had thoughts of hopelessness. There were no obvious reasons for it. For some reason, I was always thinking negatively. With red-light Muraqbah my thinking has now changed to positive.”
VOILET LIGHT: It’s given to treat male sexual dysfunction such as impotence, loss of libido and female uterine disorders.
A gentleman from DIG khan, Pakistan wrote:
“Because of erectile dysfunction I was not fit to marry anyone. Consequently, I had an inferiority complex. Muraqbah of purple lights and the massage of purple-light oil have pretty much this weakness for me.”
A woman from Chichawatni, Pakistan wrote:
“I have been married for five years but was childless. Doctors had told me that my uterus was swollen. I went through different treatments but with no results. Finally the muraqbah of violet light and the massage with its oil has removed the uterine swelling and I am now pregnant.”
PINK LIGHT: Hysteria, mental seizures, weak memory, paranoia, insecurity, negative thoughts about life, isolation, are treated with Muraqbah of Pink color Lights.
Ms. S, from Pakistan wrote:
“Constant fear and Paranoia had filled me with cowardice and an inferiority complex. Life after marriage was such a challenge for me, I was so mortified by my husband and in-laws that even when every thing was right I was afraid of something. With this, I also had the fear of God, Every act felt like a sin and I was always repenting with fear of His wrath. All this pressure made me weak and I always felt fatigued. My husband told me to do a Muraqbah of pink light. After doing it for two months, now I am confident that I will be cured.”
Mr. Salman Ansari, wrote:
“ I used to get seizures all the time. I went through some tough times. Often it happened while I was at the market. Because of falls, I was injured several times as well. On one occasion, it happened during a shower. After about an hour people took notice of that. Thereafter someone was with me all the time. God bless Mr. Azeemi who prescribed for me the Muraqbah of pink light. I have total confidence now that God willing I will be cured by it.”
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