Friday, November 02, 2007


Author: Kwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi (spiritual scientist)

About Writer: For three decades Khawja shams-ud-Din Azeemi is striving to equip us with insight and vision to view the universe in its real perspective. His every effort is aimed at the spreading of his message that cognition of the soul is the only way to cognize our Lord Creator and realization of hidden potentialities of the soul is essential for peaceful living in harmony with nature

Spiritual concept of Healing

When all diseases and ailments are counted their total exceeds hundreds. The nature and causes of these ailments vary. According to the “spiritual concept of healing” all diseases and ailments consist of two sides. One is physical and the other is either mental or spiritual. Extremities and other physical or chemical changes in the body cause sickness. Based on the spiritual concept of healing, all diseases have forms and figure and spiritual existence. These two sides do coexist. Because of the rise of psychological and physical ailments in our time, it is no longer difficult to grasp this idea. According to this spiritual idea, disease should be attacked not only on its physical side but also on its spiritual or mental side. When it is mentally negated, healing happens quickly. Not only healing is achieved but often complicated and incurable diseases are cured as well.

Since the spiritual side of diseases is not the subject matter of this book, we are only going to present a practical program through which healing power can be stored as much as possible in any individual. The more the storage, the more concentrated will be power of faith of the patient, resulting in faster healing. Following is the program itself:

Method of Healing:

Go to bed early at night and get up early in the morning at lease half hour before Fajar Prayer (before sun rise).

After wudu (Ablution), practice breathing exercise-1. Let your mind be free of any thought and do Dhikr (invocation) of the Divine Name – “Ya Hafeez’u” (the protector) until the start of the Fajar Prayer time.

After Fajar Prayer, do muraqba (meditation) imagining you are sitting inside the Divine Throne (Arsh e Elahii) and the lights of the Divine Name (Ya Shaafi – the Healer) are falling on you. Keep this muraqba (meditation) for at least ten to fifteen minutes.

Within a few months of doing this muraqba (Meditation) the patient is able to recover from the ailment and eventually becomes healthy.

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