Wednesday, September 05, 2007

MIND....... A TREE

MIND....... A TREE
derived from book Telepathy

Question: Is it true that most of the students of metaphysical and occult sciences are those who are
young and haven't attained maturity. Where as the grown up mature people, scholars and intellectuals and those
who have a rational approach, are extremists cannot learn
these sciences'?
Answer; Human mind, one of the most perfect
creations of Allah, The most Exalted, is such a fertile
land In which trees or various types and genus grow. Trees that grow on the soil of the mind are denominated as different sciences and these are in such a great numbers that their counting is almost impossible. In these sciences the metaphysical and occult sciences have their
own position. The metaphysical sciences are also known as spiritual sciences or spiritualism.
A green branch of a tree can be used for beneficial aims and objectives whereas a dry and worm eaten wood can't be used as fuel.
Young lads and ladies are like green branches of trees whereas the old and seasoned people are like dry hard wood as far as learning of any science is concerned.
Psychologists and the masters of metaphysical
sciences, in the light of their observations and experiences, declaring the basic reason for this, say that for learning spiritual science a soft nature, tender heart and an unencumbered mind are basic requirements. With growth or age alter confining in the shell of his own specific ideologies one grows to be narrow-minded and
harsh hearted and declares nig Self Conceived ideologies as life. Where as spiritualism does not acknowledge this type of approach altogether.
It is a straight forward fact that no one can learn from
one's teacher unless one is not ready to accept what one's
teacher tells, as last and final verdict. If 3 Child is nOt
ready to accept 'a' as 'a' he will never be able to leam the alphabet.
Young students and went Miss STOI soon in
learning these sciences because they do not have its and buts nor do they adhere to any rigid ideas. They simply
accept what they are told to accept and old people despite submitting themselves to a spiritual teacher in the light of their particular ideologies and firm thinking approach try to adjudge the instructions of the teacher and try to analyze a knowledge whose a b c is not known to them in the light of logic and philosophy.
This approach spoils their efforts and they cannot advance. This fact remains hidden from them that where the limits of logic and philosophy ends the limits of spiritual and metaphysical sciences begins.
This thing should be kept in mind by all those who are desirous of learning metaphysical sciences that
limiting ideologies, extremist approach and considering oneself master of a field with an inflated sense of their abilities are only indicative of their faulty approach which can only hinder in having an undistracted and free mind. When some one is deprived from the blessing of having a liberal and unbiased approach, doubts and whims swallow up the natural abilities bestowed upon them after gripping the mind in their clutches.
This is the same sad situation about which Allah the most exalted has declared in the Holy Quran.
"Allah has put seals on their hearts and ears and t there is veil on their eyes and verily there is severe retribution/or them." (Surah 2 Verse 7)1X1

For more Spiritual stuff:


Law of Sight

Law of Sight
derived from Book Telepathy

Before dwelling upon the exercises of telepathy, understanding of law of sight is necessary. Man, in fact, is Sight. When the sight is focused upon an object after absorbing it, brings it to the mental screen, then the mind sees it, feels it and ascribes meanings to it. It is the law of sight that when an object is taken into focus the image of that thing persists for fifteen seconds on the screen of the mind and with the act of blinking it gradually slides into memory and is replaced by some other image. If the sight is focused on an object for more than fifteen seconds the same image keeps on recurring on the screen of the mind, registering itself in the memory. For instance when something is sighted for a long interval of time without blinking the eyes, the ability to transfix the sight infuses in the mind, putting an end to the mental distractions. Gradually practice enables the exerciser to control and monitor the movement of an object according to his will. It means that the concentration of sight generates the will power and will power is that force which enables us to perform various tasks. The basic principle of telepathy is to enable one to concentratively focus one's sight on one particular point. For attaining concentration of sight, some intention is also required to be there. The more proficiency in concentration is there the stronger becomes the will-power, backing the intentions. When a telepathist intends to reflect his thoughts on the screen of some other person's mind the thought is transferred to him and he takes this thought as one of his own thoughts. And now if the recipient of this thought is a person with an undistracted mind, the thought after passing through the phases of concept and feelings becomes a manifestation. If one thought is transmitted repeatedly, .the mind of the recipient starts receiving it even if he is not consciously attentive. Concentration makes a thought manifested.
Telepathy is not the only name of the knowledge of transferring thoughts but we can fill our life with pleasant ideas after studying our life with the help of this knowledge. Life is a cobweb of urges, desires and wishes. It is basically a compounded mixture of wishes and urges. The first urge encountered after one is bom is the feeling of hunger. When the mother brings her child to her bosom he starts feeding himself as he had learned it in the womb of the mother.
Growth is another name for completion and fulfillment of wishes. Wishes are fulfilled in two ways. One is the conscious fulfillment and the other is the unconscious. The conscious and unconscious are two pages of a single leaf. Impressions of thoughts and ideas on one page are bright and clear and on the other they are dim and unclear. The page with bright and clear impressions is known as unconscious. And, the page with dim and dull impressions is called the conscious.
In spiritualism one is made to observe that in bright and clear thoughts, time and space are not there. Unclear, vague thoughts are associated with spatio-temporal ties at every step. When we analyze an urge and its eventual fulfillment we come to know that ascribing different meanings to an urge makes it appear differently in reality Hunger, for instance is an urge and its fulfillment is to eat something. One individual satiates his appetite by eating bread and meat, the other eats something else. A lion does not eat grass. A goat does not eat meat. One likes sweet foods the other is fond of salty things.
No single person can deny this fact that sorrow and happiness are directly related with thoughts. Some thoughts are very pleasing and others are very disturbing. Fear, fright, dubiety, jealousy, greed, hatred, malice, showing off, false pride and vanity are all products of our thoughts. And love, affection, faith, humility, modesty and sacrifice and feelings of grief are also
resultants of thoughts. Sometimes all of a sudden this ] thought flashes that an accident may be faced by us or by one of our children. Although no accident has actually taken place, this thought causes us to experience all the agony of an accident. We experience feeling of anxiety in detail regarding disastrous accidents, similar is the case of happiness and a happy life. When an idea after becoming an imagination focuses on such a point where the pictures of happiness and prosperity are existing, fountain of happiness (prings from within. Grief and joy are associated with imaginations and the imaginations results from the thoughts.

For more article:
