Wednesday, July 04, 2007



When we analyze life, we see that every man or woman wants to live a happy life. But the materialistic approach towards life causes hindrance and dismay at every step of their life as every moment of our life is perishable, mortal and variable. Moreover, we also do not know, indeed materialistically, what real happiness is and how it can be achieved. It is necessary that we should search for our Real Base in order to know this Real Happiness.
When we were "nothing", we must have been something, because not to be anything negates our being. Our material life commences from the womb of the mother. When after inception and passing through a certain process, this matter reaches its climax a living picture comes into being from nothingness. Circumstances and surrounding of this ‘picture’ provides it with such a training that it remains ignorant of the meanings of Real Happiness, what to say of the method of its acquisition.

To embrace the Real Happiness, first of all one should have the knowledge that life is not based upon the body only but it is based upon that Reality which has adopted this material body as a robe for itself. After birth, the second phase encountered by us is that in which every moment of our life dies after giving birth to another one. The moment, which is our childhood at one time and boyhood at another changes into old age from the youth-fullness.(Top)

The Living Picture
Our access to this Reality is possible only when we know that this Living Picture is not a ‘body’ but a Conscious. We are not at liberty to call it conscious only because the conscious is that medium of our identification, which is holding the whole edifice of our life together. It is in our knowledge that the extinction of body uts an end to the material density and pollution and we are also aware of the fact that the extinction of body does not cause annihilation of the consciousness, but on the contrary it is transferred to some other world.
One thing mentioned in all the sacred books unanimously and reiteratively is that man is not merely a material body but a consciousness. When we discuss the life span --- birth to death period, we come to know that the consciousness, the foundation of which was laid in the mother's womb, decreases on one hand and increases on the other. The more the decrease in the conscious the more is man carried towards the past; the advancement of the consciousness results in moving towards the future. The age factor is determined because of the increase and decrease in the consciousness. One state of the consciousness is called the childhood, the other is termed as the Youth and the third one is given the name of old age. In short, the consciousness which is maintaining this material life and upon which this body is takes the evolutionary steps, itself remains intact and constant

Study of the Self

The Moulds of Creation

The Law of Sex Appeal

The Inner and the Manifested

He States:

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